Powell’s Books: Portland’s Iconic Independent Bookstore

By Alyssa Smith
Ranked higher than a visit to the International Rose Test Garden or a bite from one of Voodoo Doughnut's creatively named pastries, a few hours wandering through Powell’s Books is always at the top of my Portland To-Do list. The flagship store, located in downtown Portland, OR, is a bibliophile’s dream come true. According to the store’s website, it is the world’s largest used and new bookstore and offers more than a million books on its shelves. The idea for Powell’s Books was first conceived in 1971 after Walter Powell spent a summer working in his son Michael’s used bookstor...

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Beethoven in Vienna

Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, and Brahms (among others) are symbolized in Vienna not only with monuments but also with museums (two, in Schubert’s case: his birthplace, and the house in which he died), but it is Beethoven who is represented most. With several museums devoted to him, some of which contain his own personal effects, there exist in and around Vienna more sites associated with Beethoven than with any other composer who graced the city.